Friday, August 29, 2008

It's All Gone

There were a lot of items that were out when I went to the store this week. That tends to happen when there are really good sales. No worries though! There are things you can do.

1) Shop when the stores have just restocked their shelves
Layton Albertsons restocks Friday night and into Saturday morning if they didn't get done.
Layton Smiths restocks their dairy Sunday night.
You can ask your store when they break down their loads.

2) Price match at Walmart
Exceptions - Walmart doesn't price match buy 1 get 1 Free, and vouchers good for money off your next purchase.

3) Get a rain check
Exceptions - You can't get a rain check on vouchers good for money off your next shopping purchase.

4) Prepay

Albertsons has let me prepay a couple of times. Either it was a voucher that they couldn't give me later or my coupons were going to expire before they could honor my raincheck. Each time they just rang up the item, I gave them my coupons, and they marked my receipt saying that I had already paid and was going to pick them up later.


Mrs. Edgel said...

I've noticed that -- if I don't shop Wednesday morning early, I've generally wasted my time. And Walgreens -- I can just forget it, because their ads start sunday and the good stuff is gone then.

I was able to use my Walgreens voucher at Albertson's though, and I was wondering if they honor Walgreens' in-store coupons?

Kim Routson said...

I was wondering that as well. I think they might. There is no harm in asking. I'll let you know if I get a chance to try it.

Anonymous said...

Layton albertson's told me last Friday that their truck didn't come when it was supposed to, that's why everything was gone. But I was in Centerville later that day, and that Albertson's had what I needed so it worked out. I had them ring up my Dove stuff in two separate ttransactions, and they let me use my $5 voucher from the first one towards my second one!