Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Walmart - Good until Coupons Expire

Huggies Cleanteam Flushable Wipes - Regularly $1.64 - In Smart Source 7/20 there is a coupon good for $3.00 off any two. So I bought these wipes for $0.14 each.

Pert Plus 2in1 Shampoo and Conditioner - Regularly $4.34 -In Smart Source 8/3 there is a coupon good for $3.00 of any 25.4 oz or larger. So I bought these for $1.34 each. If you do the math, it is less per ounce than the herbal essence was a few weeks ago.


Mrs. Edgel said...

Wow, I've got to check this out... my kids go through flushables like you wouldn't believe... um... perhaps that was too much info ;)

Kim Routson said...

You are so funny. There is never too much info when you're talking to another mom.