Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Good Job Jerilyn!


I don't usually submit stuff like this for websites, but I was just so excited about the deal I got at Albertson's today, I just had to let you know about it. Despite all of the great things on sale there, I was pretty stocked on most things, so my purchase was small, but the deal was incredible.

I'm fairly new to the "Grocery Smarts Group," but I'm already loving the savings. The last couple weeks, I've been shopping with the online printable coupons while I've been waiting for my multiple paper subscriptions to arrive (this Sunday is the day - yahoo!). Here's what I got at Alberstons today (picture attached):

8 bags of Malt-o-Meal Cereal
2 bags of cookies

Total spent: $4.28
Total saved: $29.87
Preferred Savings: $18.87 (includes the $10 off for purchasing the 8 bags of cereal)
Manufacturers Coupons: $7.00 (Grocery Smarts website had links where I was able to print
4 of the $.75 off coupons and 4 of the $1.00 off coupons for the cereal)
Store Coupon: $4.00 (in ad coupon which made the cookies 2 for $3.00)

It's amazing what a little bit of review and prep time (i.e. using Grocery Smarts) can do to make a difference in your grocery bill - I'm hooked!


1 comment:

Mrs. Edgel said...

woohoo! we eat Malt O Meal cereal a lot, I'll have to go stock up! Hope they have some left!