Check for these on beer displays in your grocery store. It's a mail-in rebate good for $15.oo off Deli items, Pizza or Chicken. You don't have to buy any beer. You can just pull one off the stack and get $15.00 of free food. I found these coupons on a display of beer in the Layton Albertsons. There were two booklets of the coupons so their should be some left. The display is right by the refrigerated pillsbury(cresent rolls, cinnamon rolls, Grands Bisquits) section in the very left corner of the store.
I'm so glad no beer purchase is required. I hate being forced to purchase beer (although it is good to rinse your hair with, as long as you let it go flat first).
I have a friend who has given me many of these and I always try to find them and never can. I walk down the beer aisle but never have luck finding them
My sister gave me your website. I am wondering how to get a passport for the grocery smarts website. I have never been on it before but I really want to find better ways to save on food.
Go to grocerysmarts.com and the passport is g84ckr. Also, if you want to learn how to use the website and the coupons, I am teaching a class this next Wednesday in Layton. I would love for you to come. Call me at 801-771-7200 for details.
I went to the Layton Albertsons today and I couldn't find that specific rebate, but they did have a $10 rebate on fresh or frozen seafood.
Thanks for the code.. I live in Draper and it is hard for me to get to Layton. I talked a little with my sister Ali and she helped with some info. I was wondering how much it costs for the newspapers,etc.. I would love to do a class if there is a time we could do it closer to where I am.
We offer some great deals on the paper. Give me a call at 771-7200 and I can give you the details.
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